


“My teachers could see things in me that I never believed existed inside of me.”
    • 预备学校课程

— Maeve M. ’22

“Here at Foxcroft, grades are important — don’t get me wrong — but more than that, 这里的老师允许我们个性化学习,并支持我们跳出思维定式, which allows a great deal of flexibility in the learning process.”
Foxcroft’s academic program challenges you to develop the analytical, 批判性思维, 你需要的沟通技巧和你自己的创造力, confident, 以及独立的声音. 很棒的老师, 谁希望你成功, design hands-on, interdisciplinary lessons and group projects with real-world value. And, 以应对我们快速变化的世界, 寄宿学校的教师会不断检查课程设置和教学方法,为你上大学做准备, career, 以及21世纪可能带来的其他一切!


Foxcroft’s comprehensive program also offers 69-73 courses, 包括17门大学先修课程和后ap课程,涵盖6个学科,以及独立学习的机会, 通过One Schoolhouse在线学习更多课程, and a distinct humanities track for non-native English speakers. 的多方面的 STEM initiative, 是什么影响了所有的数学和科学课程, gives you an advantage in crucial fields typically underrepresented by women.


List of 6 items.

  • AP Courses

    Many girls get a leg-up on college by taking Advanced Placement courses, which have a college-level curriculum taught at the high school level. 去学习这些极具挑战性的课程, 是由大学理事会监管的吗, 你必须得到部门的许可, 在必修课程上表现好吗, 首先完成重要的暑期作业. In May, students take the AP Exams that match the courses they took; top scores may help you earn college credit. 
  • Digital Literacy

    新生必备, the Digital Literacy class focuses on three crucial aspects of life in the digital age:
    • your ability to find, evaluate, utilize, and share information;
    • new ways for you to create content using information, technology, and the Internet;
    • 也许最重要的是, 数字安全,让你更好地了解将信息放到网上的风险,以及如何保护你放在那里的信息.
  • 教育技术

    Foxcroft strives to make the most effective use of educational technology in all disciplines. 教育技术主任与教师合作,整合适当和创新的技术,以支持学生的学习.
  • One Schoolhouse

    Foxcroft is a charter affiliate member of the Online School for Girls, 在2016年,哪一个扩张成了 One Schoolhouse. It presents courses that might not be offered at individual schools. 经学院副院长及相应系主任批准, a student may take a course for credit during the school year or the summer. 一所学校提供 课程种类.
  • Wellness

    健康是四年, research-based program targeted to the aspects of wellness that most affect our students. 大一新生在秋季定期上课,学习的主题从营养学、女性身体到正念原则, stress, 以及公开演讲, 除此之外. 在接下来的三年里,该计划继续举办各种适合年龄的研讨会.
  • Wintermission

    冬季任务是在2月份为期一周的学期,在此期间您将学习一到两门强化课程, generally on a topic very different from your usual classes. 这些课程鼓励学生和教师深入研究一个学科,并提供校外旅行和服务的机会. Students must successfully complete Wintermission each year they are at Foxcroft. 


List of 4 items.

  • 70%

    of faculty hold
    advanced degrees
  • 5

    teachers have
    Ph.D.s or J.D.s
  • 93%

    live on campus
  • 100%

    offer extra help
    outside of class


List of 1 items.

  • Wellness Program

    福克斯克罗夫特的座右铭是 在corpore sano中,men Sana (健康的心灵寓于健康的身体), and we help our girls live that through a robust Wellness program. 根据他们的需要和兴趣量身定制, topics change for each grade level and build upon one another, instilling in girls a strong foundation for all-encompassing well-being.

    Learn More


List of 1 items.

  • 学习无处不在

    At Foxcroft, 我们所做的一切都是课程——这意味着学习发生在许多地方和许多方式. 福克斯克罗夫特拥有各种独特的项目,专注于课堂外的体验,甚至超越了前门. 在Foxcroft探索体验式学习.

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STEM Initiative

List of 1 items.

  • 科学、技术、工程和数学

    At Foxcroft, these critical fields for the 21st century are compelling, engaging, and fun. Our landmark STEM Initiative emphasizes inquiry-based labs, 自信自如地使用技术, and hands-on problem-solving — and extends well beyond the classroom. 调查STEM,这是福克斯克罗夫特的标志性项目之一.

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Schoolhouse News



  • Tanya Hyatt的照片

    Tanya Hyatt 

    Read Bio
  • 惠特尼·普雷斯顿的照片

    Whittney Preston 

    Read Bio
  • 帕蒂·博斯韦尔的照片

    Patty Boswell 

    Registrar and Administrative Assistant to the 副校长, Lead Dorm Parent
    Read Bio
  • 史蒂文·麦卡蒂摄

    Steven McCarty 

    Read Bio

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  • Paul K. 卑尔根诗歌节2023

    开放麦克风和诗歌大满贯-保罗·K. 卑尔根诗歌节2023

  • Wintermission2023

    Wintermission 2023

  • Wintermission 2022

    Wintermission 2022

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北弗吉尼亚的一所女子寄宿走读学校, Foxcroft prepares young women in grades 9-12 for success in college and in life. Our outstanding academic program offers challenging courses, including Advanced Placement classes and an innovative STEM program. 我们的马术节目是全国公认的, and our athletic teams have won conference and state championships. Experience the best in girls' boarding schools: visit Foxcroft.